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Action Contre la Faim recrute un consultant pour l’évaluation du marché de l’assainissement – Maiduguri / Nigeria

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Categories : Avis de recrutement

Domaines : Marketing - Vente - Distribution - Commerce international

Regions : Nigeria

Project  Background :

 Action Against Hunger (AAH) has been working in Northern Nigeria (i.e. Jigawa, Yobe and Borno States) since 2010 to achieve long-term, sustainable and scaled impact on undernutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and general health outcomes through a multi-sectoral approach. Our national AAH Strategy aims to deliver sustainable reductions in the burden of undernutrition in priority Local Government Areas (LGAs). WASH interventions include water supply system rehabilitation and new drillings, rehabilitation and construction of sanitation facilities and hygiene promotion in camps, schools, health facilities and communities at large. AAH’s teams also respond to disease outbreaks (cholera) and are implementing a WASH’ Nutrition approach in order to reduce the detrimental effect of insanitary conditions on the incidence and prevalence of undernutrition.

The sedimentary nature of soil texture in Nangere continue to pause a big challenge to increasing access to improve sanitation facilities in the community. For the few that construct the pit latrines, they use it for few months and the latrines collapse during rainy season due to poor soil texture.  This continue to discourage many households from constructing pit latrines, hence the rise in open defecation especially during rainy season due to collapsed latrines.

Purpose and objectives of the study :

Objectives of the study :

To identify sanitation products that are affordable for the Yobe population, that can be provided locally and identify how to create demand for the products in the community.

Specific Objectives/research questions :

Phase 1: Assessment of Community Purchasing Power.

The consultant will undertake a combination of observations of current infrastructure to assess what has been purchased and the investment. This is through focus groups and interviews to identify the purchasing power for sanitation and the focus for the products. This is antipcated to be between 5 and 100 USD.

Phase 2 : Product Comparison

  • Critically review and analyse former formative and market researches, relevant documents and literature to identify the sanitation products available and potential areas for investing in Nigeria and the prices for each ;
  • Examine the all the sanitation products that are available in the LGA, including the different models constructed by household, services offered by artisans and products on the local market. Ensuring particular attention to addressing issues with lose soil ;
  • Working with the community identify what are the advantages and disadvantages of each product and identify how the product can be improved ;
  • Assess the community purchasing power and willingness to pay for each of the identified products ;
  • To establish the financing options, gaps, opportunities modes for financing and payment to enable household within the LGA to purchase the product .

Phase 3 : Production and Promotion

  • Identify gaps, weaknesses and opportunities in the local sanitation markets (including alignments of sanitation goods, services and supply with consumer preferences and demand; options for strengthening existing supply chains). Identify Supply chain management system for each of the identified sanitation products ;
  • Explore key motivational factors, attributes and potential barriers for consumers and service providers after thoroughly reviewing the financial, institutional, technical, environmental and social challenges for the improvement of sanitation ;
  • Design a commercially viable marketing strategy and business model in consultation with various stakeholders and market actors within the sanitation supply chain .

Profile of the consultant :

The selected consultant will be a consultant firm with a track record of at least five years of supply chain diagnostics in Nigiera or countries with similar parameters of interest. Possible areas of expertise include value chain analysis; sanitation marketing, business advisory services, particularly in the area of market transformation; capacity building and social entrepreneurship. Experience working with in rural and informal markets is essential.

Application procedure :

All interested consultants should send expression of interest electronically before the 6thof August 2019 to: in order to receive the full ToR. Proposal without request of the full ToR will not be accepted.