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Call for Papers: Including Children and Adolescents in Progress for the SDGs

Call for Papers: Including Children and Adolescents in Progress for the SDGs

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Categories : Call for Papers

Domaines : Eau - Hygiène - Assainissement - HydrauliqueEconomie - Statistique - DémographieGenre - Assistance humanitaire - Développement internationalInformatique - Télécommunication - ElectroniqueMathématique - Physique - AstronomieSanté - Nutrition - Santé Publique - Pharmacie - VétérinaireSociologie - Psychologie - Théologie - Sciences Sociales... Afficher plus

Regions : Amérique

Call for Papers: Including Children and Adolescents in Progress for the SDGs

Submission deadline: June 1, 2018

Call for papers to be presented at the Including Children and Adolescents in Progress for the SDGs: Understanding and Addressing Exclusion among Poor Children conference in New York City, USA, October 11-12, 2018