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airBaltic offre de stage dans diverses domaines

airBaltic offre de stage dans diverses domaines

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Categories : Stage

Domaines : Achat - Transport - LogistiqueAdministration - Ressources humaines - PlanificationAéronautique - Gestion des aéroports - MétéorologieBanque - Assurance - FinanceCommunication - Journalisme - Relations InternationalesComptabilité - Gestion - Audit - Gestion de projetsDirection - CoordinationDroit - Fiscalité - Gouvernance - PolitiqueEconomie - Statistique - DémographieElectricité - Electromécanique - Réparation - Industrie... Afficher plus

Regions : Australie

airBaltic offre de stage dans diverses domaines

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Even if there is no opened vacancy fitted to you the most, we are still open to get to know you, your motivation to join airBaltic team, your knowledge and gained experience. Explore our Career page Meet us part, decide what field meets your career expectations towards your professional development. Submit your CV and motivation letter below and we will contact you in case of new vacancy applicable for you.

Please note, that if you agree by choosing “apply now”, we will store your data for 2 years, based on your consent given by pushing “apply now”  and use those data only for recruitment purposes for vacancies in airBaltic or its subsidiaries.

Please, note that you may change your mind at any time. If during this period of time you will decide to eliminate your profile from our records, please send us an e-mail to

The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

More detailed information on controller and data processing within recruitment process, as well as on your rights you may find in our Recruitment Privacy Policy.

Apply till November 08, 2021.


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